Ratings: Llambi falls in “Beat the Star” – but the first one in front

Llambi crashes in “Beat the Star” – but the first one in front

Moderator Joachim Llambi started on the show “Beat the Star”. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Because of a fall, the show “Schlag den Star” is interrupted for a short time. But the show will continue. However, the race for the best odds creates drama in the first.

The dancer Joachim Llambi (58) competed against DJ Bobo on Saturday evening in the show “Schlag den Star” – and fell violently. The whole thing happened at a football game on an ice field. The show was briefly paused and went into commercials.

Then the stricken Llambi said, who nevertheless continued: “Let’s put it this way: taking a really deep breath or coughing is not fun. Or bend over now … I also notice that it – I don’t know if it’s broken now or just is pulled, it doesn’t matter with rib cage… it’s always stupid.” In the end, Llambi won the competition anyway. 1.69 million viewers watched it, which corresponded to a market share of 8.0 percent.

The quota race won on Saturday at prime time but the first. In the drama “The Miracle of Cape Town” a young doctor wants to break into a male domain as a surgeon in the 1960s. 3.92 million people tuned in, which corresponded to a market share of 15.1 percent. With 3.48 million people, many were also interested in the benefit event “Ein Herz für Kinder” on ZDF (market share 14.2 percent).

“Otto’s fairy tale show” ran on RTL in front of 2.04 million viewers (7.9 percent). The children’s film “Matilda” attracted 1.66 million people (6.4 percent) on Sat.1. On RTLzwei, the film “Hot Fuzz – Two Deviated Professionals” attracted 850,000 viewers (3.3 percent). Another episode of the historical series “Sisi” from 2021 interested 690,000 people (2.7 percent) on Vox.


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