Rather than being vaccinated, they prefer to pay for their test or do without a health pass

The government confirmed on Wednesday that Covid-19 testing without a medical prescription will soon no longer be reimbursed. This measure will take effect in mid-October. The idea is of course to encourage vaccination to validate your health pass, while a negative test of less than seventy-two hours also gives you the right to a temporary pass. 20 minutes asked you, you, not yet vaccinated, if this decision would motivate you to make an appointment on Doctolib.

Jean-Luc, not yet vaccinated therefore, explains to us that before “the pain of having my rod pushed in for a test, I prefer to be vaccinated”. He only waits for September for his first dose because he has “too busy a schedule this summer”. This testimony is an exception among those we have received. It should be noted from the outset that this call for testimony has no probing value. As a reminder, to date, of the 57 million French men and women eligible for vaccination (over 12 years old), 45 million have already received at least one dose : almost 80%!

Pay ? No problem

Among this minority in the facts and the majority in the responses, we find several strategies. There are those who have no moods and especially no problems paying for their tests. “Just as smokers have a budget to buy cigarettes, I will build up a budget to carry out Covid tests,” Olivia warns us.

It is not yet known how much the antigenic tests will cost, but we do know that the PCR tests cost between 80 and 100 euros. The budget of a very very heavy smoker. Maud will go “no problem” for a test when necessary. Anyway, she notes, as she goes out less “to the delight of our wallet”, she already has the budget for the tests. For Nora, it is also quickly seen, she “prefers to keep a test budget than a leisure budget under the obligation of a vaccine”.

We forget certain activities

Others will sort out what they really want to do and the rest. And at that time, they will actually go for a test, exceptionally, to have a temporary health pass. This is the case with Max: “I work at home, so I’ll do a test when I need it … For restaurants, we find solutions: we get together with friends and it’s the restaurant that comes. to us… We adapt! “

Christophe is somewhat in the same situation: “We will only do tests for what is strictly necessary. Visit to the hospital mainly. No restaurant, cinema, fair, etc. We do not let our restaurateurs down, we will order take out. “Antoinette, she will only be tested for special occasions: birthdays, weddings … Another Jean-Luc tells us that he does not intend to pay for a test:” If I need, I will have no problem getting my doctor to order my test. “

A kind of new confinement

In our sample of testimonies, the most numerous and numerous seem to be also the most radical. Those who, ultimately, will experience additional confinement. The fold has been taken, Aïcha quietly describes to us: “For almost a year and a half, I did without cultural outings, restaurants, etc. I learned to live without and differently: meals delivered at home, evenings with friends on video or “IRL”, evenings at films, concerts or online plays… In short, this new way of life will simply continue. without any frustration. “Virginie also seems ready:” I have in my possession a library of a few hundred books, I am a fan of gardening and walks in the countryside. I ride a horse and play the piano. “

Many and many are those who actually explain to us that it is always possible to go for a walk in the parks, in the countryside or in the mountains. A lot of people seem to want to change their consumption habits to avoid places with a pass, but we will have to slalom. Albert will “no longer spend a cent in places requiring the sanitary pass”, just like Willy who “does not think that [l]’will prevent living! “Vaccinated himself, Laurent does not want to impose the injunctions on his children who” will therefore cease all activities requiring the health pass and will give us an update in early 2022. If, by then, vaccination becomes compulsory for children, I will go and demonstrate. “Fatima wants to implement a” general boycott “to live” off the grid if necessary ”, that is to say outside the radars.

Finally, let us also note those and those who are totally resistant to vaccination, who simply think of “leaving France”, like Edouard. “I no longer find myself in the overall management of my country. I prefer to leave ”, tells us Lucie, who intends to go to Portugal. It remains to be seen whether Portugal will also implement a health pass identical to France in the coming weeks.

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