Raquel Garrido and activists victims of tear gas in Drancy

The Insoumise calls into question the support of his opponent in the second round of the legislative elections, Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI), who denies. “I was driving in a car with a sound system to call for the vote on Sunday, when a Jean-Christophe Lagarde activist fired tear gas, severely injuring the people in the car”, some of whom have “facial burns”, told AFP Raquel Garrido, close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“Then one of us went to get water from a grocery store but another activist hit him and insulted him,” she continued. She and her team were treated by firefighters at the end of the day. “Last night also they created an incident to prevent us from entering a neighborhood,” said Garrido.

Jean-Christophe Lagarde “refutes” any involvement. “It’s a lot of coffee to say that I’m responsible. It is a 13-14 year old who attacks Raquel Garrido, nothing to do with my activists, ”assured AFP the deputy. “Let’s wait for the police to clarify the case which has nothing to do with the campaign,” said Lagarde. According to him, it is the teams of Raquel Garrido who “are violent”.

“The thugs are out”

The candidate obtained nearly 38% of the votes in the first round, against 33.4% for Jean-Christophe Lagarde, boss of the UDI. A police source confirmed the facts to AFP, without specifying the perpetrators of the attack: “Raquel Garrido was gassed by a young person while she was campaigning in the Parisian Village district in Drancy. She was inconvenienced. Firefighters are on site. »

Raquel Garrido posted a video on Twitter. We see an individual, equipped with a gas bomb, running near a stationary car, before shooting the contents at point-blank range on the occupants of the vehicle. The leader of LFI and Nupes Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacted on Twitter: “The thugs are out. Two comrades abused, gassed and beaten in Drancy. Raquel Garrido’s team is the victim of violence from the Macronist majority. It’s going too far. The sectarian hatred and the verbal excesses of the friends of Castaner and Montchalin are unbearable! »

While I was driving around Drancy with a sound system to call for the vote, 2 activists from@jclagarde instructed this individual to gas my vehicle. We were taken care of. We file a complaint. I continue my campaign to beat Lagarde at the polls. pic.twitter.com/qVZifM9LnF
– Raquel Garrido (@RaquelGarridoFr) June 16, 2022

Asked about the amalgamation of the UDI with the “Macronist majority”, Raquel Garrido explained that the Macronist candidate, Nabil Ait Akkache (8% in the first round), had called for him to block, supporting Lagarde. The deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière, Garrido’s companion, indicated on Twitter that “complaints will be filed”, denouncing “thug methods”.

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