Radio play “Kaf*KI” by Robert Schoen: Kafka chased by AI – Media

“At 21 degrees,” the AI ​​claims, “you can’t have mystical experiences!” The house father should therefore work at a room temperature of 14 degrees. Then his radio play project might even come to fruition. “The Cares of the House Father” is a short story by Franz Kafka, whose title character is confronted with a creature called Odradek, who invades the house father’s private space without asking. Robert Schoen uses this text as the starting point for his radio play Kaf*KI. Its subtitle is Kafka’s literary universe hunted by AI – and leads on a false trail. The story is set in motion by an alter ego of Schoens using an AI to create a Kafka radio play. Kaf*KI but this: Kafka’s literary universe chased through the instances of cultural radio.

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