Knowledge test, part 6
How good is your general knowledge? Test yourself in the quiz!
How educated are you really? You can find out whether your general knowledge is good enough in the quiz with these 17 new questions.
One euro is worth the equivalent of 490 units of Kazakh currency. But can you also say what the name of the currency is?
Or do you know which cities in 79 AD? just like Pompeii perished? Or what nicknames some of the high-rise buildings in London have? The residents sometimes look at the extravagant buildings mockingly, sometimes lovingly.
The general knowledge quiz covers 17 areas with 17 questions
In our general knowledge quiz at star That’s exactly what we’re asking this week. But not only. It’s also about difficult formulas, the foundations of democracy and biological processes in the body.
Your knowledge of Latin will also be put to the test. A total of 17 questions cover 17 different areas. From A to Z, from the earth’s core to outer space, from the Middle Ages to modern times. That is a promise, but also a challenge.
“Knowledge is power,” said the English philosopher Francis Bacon. Later, the addition “Don’t know, don’t mind” was ironically added.
It’s a bit like that with our quiz: with a broad general knowledge you can make it to the top ranks. However, just because you didn’t know a question from one area doesn’t mean you can’t do well on the next one.
How many questions do you answer correctly?
Our quiz offers suggestions so that you can then delve deeper into a topic. Some facts are also suitable for small talk with colleagues during the lunch break or for discussion at the next family coffee. To stimulate, to show off, to delve deeper, to have heard it before. To train for the next “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” special.
If you can’t get enough of quizzes, you can also find our other knowledge tests here:
It’s best if you even join forces with friends, acquaintances and colleagues. You can solve the quiz together or have a little competition against each other. No matter what you decide, please let us know your result and share your personal quiz experience with us. We wish you much success!