Questions and answers: social choice – who is elected and why?


Status: 04/01/2023 2:16 p.m

In the social election, more than 52 million people can choose the representatives of the insured persons of the statutory health insurance and pension insurance. But what does the choice actually mean?

By Marcel Fehr, ARD Capital Studio

Millions of people have already received the information letter on the 2023 social elections. Elections take place every six years, and the documents come by post. But many do not know what they are actually voting for and throw the ballot papers in the wastebasket. In the last social election, only one in three voted. Here is the most important information.

What is social choice?

In the social elections, the so-called social parliaments for pension insurance and health insurance are elected – and have been for 70 years. The principle of self-government applies – as with churches or public broadcasting corporations. This means that the state makes the laws, but the insurance companies organize themselves. This also means that those who pay contributions can have a say.

The board of directors of the health insurance funds and the assembly of representatives of the German pension insurance are elected. The members of these bodies work on a voluntary basis and champion the interests of the insured.

Who can vote?

Anyone who is at least 16 years old and is insured with the German Federal Pension Insurance or with the replacement funds Barmer, DAK, TK, commercial health insurance or commercial health insurance can vote.

Who do you choose?

You don’t choose individuals, you choose lists. Behind this are usually several candidates from an organization. The lists are drawn up by institutions, trade unions and associations, but also by the insured and employers themselves. A new feature this year was a quota of 40 percent women on the committees.

With most health insurance companies such as the IKK or AOK, a so-called “peace election” is carried out. Employers and insured persons agree in advance who will be included in the committees. If there is only one list at the end and the applications do not exceed the number of places available, there will be no further voting.

All information about the members and programs of the lists can be found on the social insurance websites or at

What do the insured representatives do?

In the case of pension insurance, the meeting of representatives decides on the second largest public budget – it is about 174 billion euros. It ensures that the contributions are used in the interest of the insured. Decisions are made about preventive medical check-ups or rehabilitation measures. For example, the self-government has introduced post-Covid rehab and outpatient children’s rehab.

In the health insurance companies, for example, the administrative board decides who sits on the board and who advises the insured in the event of complaints and objections.

Why is the election criticized?

The last social election cost around 50 million euros – too much money for too few who cast their votes, critics complain. In addition, a lot is determined by politics, the influence of the representative bodies is manageable.

Another point of criticism is the “peace election”. It has little to do with democracy when employers and employees pre-negotiate lists that enter the committees without free elections, according to Kai Whittaker, member of the Bundestag for the CDU.

How does the election work?

From April, the election documents will end up in the mailbox by post, you don’t have to worry about anything beforehand. You can vote until the end of May. For the first time, it is also possible to vote online for some health insurance companies.

Social elections take place every six years

Marcel Fehr, ARD Berlin, March 29, 2023 3:47 p.m

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