Queen Elizabeth II calls on world leaders to make ‘common cause’ on climate change

Absent but involved. Queen Elizabeth II on Monday urged in a video message world leaders meeting for COP26 in Glasgow (Scotland) to make “common cause” to tackle climate change and “solve the most insurmountable problems”.

The 95-year-old sovereign said she hopes this two-week conference, which she cannot attend due to her medical condition, will be “one of those rare occasions when everyone will have the opportunity to rise to- above the politics of the moment and to show a real political sense ”.

“Working side by side”

“History has shown that when nations unite for a common cause, there is always hope,” she said in this video message broadcast during a welcome reception for world leaders, urging to “work side by side” to “solve the most insurmountable problems”.

“There are many who hope that the legacy of this summit – inscribed in the history books that have not yet been printed – will describe you as the leaders who did not pass up the opportunity, and who responded to it. ‘calling for future generations,’ she hammered into her green suit, appearing to be in good shape.

“For our children”

The queen, who recently spent a night in the hospital to undergo “preliminary examinations”, in the words of Buckingham Palace, had to regret to cancel her trip to COP26 and must renounce any official trip for another period of time. at least two weeks.

Her last appearance in the public eye was on Thursday, when she presented the gold medal for poetry to English poet David Constantine during a videoconference hearing. A 24-second video broadcast by the palace shows her smiling, discussing through screens interposed with the poet. “None of us will live forever,” she added on Monday, but this fight against global warming is not “for ourselves”, “but for our children, our children’s children and those who will follow. their steps ”.

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