Quatennens attacks Ruffin for whom Mélenchon is an “obstacle” to the victory of the left

François Ruffin, who is trying to get re-elected in the Somme, estimated Tuesday that Jean-Luc Mélenchon “is rather something that repels voters”. A statement which provoked the ire of rebellious ex-MP Adrien Quatennens.

The outgoing deputy François Ruffin, one of the candidates for the post of prime minister in the event of a victory for the left in the legislative elections, estimated this Tuesday that the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon was a “obstacle to the victory of the Popular Front”. “It’s not support here for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it’s rather something that repels voters”, indicated François Ruffin on TF1 from his constituency, where he is trying to get re-elected despite the very good scores of the National Rally in the last European elections (40.43% against only 11.06% for LFI). Statements which did not fail to provoke a reaction from Adrien Quatennens, outgoing deputy from the North, forced not to run again because of his conviction for domestic violence.

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“It’s not a melon anymore, it’s a watermelon! Be careful: if it swells too much, it will explode. If Mélenchon and the FI had not invested in you, you would not exist. A few minutes after François Ruffin’s statements were broadcast on social networks, Adrien Quatennens let his anger express itself by attacking his ex-colleague head-on. “As beautiful as it is, Picardy is not the country. Join the RN direct! We will save time and energy”, he added. The confrontation between the two men illustrates the divide that crosses the Insoumise galaxy, shared between the pros and antis Mélenchon. For several months now, the director of Thanks boss! took care to mark his differences with the hard core of La France insoumise. The Picard MP believes that the “conflictualization” strategy put in place by party executives could never unite “50%+1” voters.

The early legislative elections, however, accelerated the process of rupture. After the non-inaugurations of several outgoing deputies, François Ruffin publicly denounced “sectarianism” of movement, establishing a link between this “purge” And “impudence” of the “rebels” “to have a disagreement with the great chief”. In an interview with Figaro Jean-Luc Mélenchon responded to the former journalist accusing him of having chosen “breaking” and castigating “his hurtful vindictiveness”. This Tuesday, in front of the TF1 camera, François Ruffin also made fun of the media activity of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who “goes on TV every two days to tell himself that he is withdrawing”.

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