“Qatar Gate” and the new lane: luxury paid for by the Kingdom of Morocco – Politics

Europe is now talking about the “Qatar Gate” and Eva Kaili is the face of this scandal. But the second lead, which leads to Morocco, could be even more dangerous for the EU’s credibility.


Josef Kelnberger and Oliver Meiler, Rome/Brussels

If everything had gone according to plan, the Panzeri family from the Bergamo hinterland would now be in Marrakech. In Paradise. Instead, everyone is in prison. Two rooms were booked in the Hotel La Mamounia, one of the best hotels in the world. A palace in a palm grove, one thousand and one nights. The Mamounia advertises itself as “timeless and wildly modern”. One room was reserved for Antonio Panzeri and his wife, one for daughter Silvia and her husband, from December 27th to January 5th. So you would have been back just in time for the Befana, this witch who, according to popular belief, always comes to Italy at epiphanies, flying on her broomstick and giving gifts or punishing people, depending on the situation. It is the climax of the Italian Christmas dance. The great thing about the family vacation of the Panzeris? The rooms were already paid for by the Kingdom of Morocco.

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