Putin on the Wagner uprising: “A stab in the back”

Status: 06/24/2023 10:28 a.m

Russian President Putin has condemned the advance of Wagner troop mercenaries on Russian territory as “treason” and threatened those involved with severe punishment. The leaders of the uprising would be held accountable.

In a television speech, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin commented on the Wagner Group’s alleged advances on Russian territory. He spoke of an “armed resistance” by the mercenaries and announced that the “traitors” would be cracked down.

Putin described the advance of the Wagner fighters as a “stab in the back” and “betrayal” of Russia. He will do everything to protect his own country and the Russian constitution. “We are fighting for the life and security of our people,” emphasized the head of state. Putin assured that he wants to stabilize the situation in the city of Rostov in the south of the country – even if the situation is currently “difficult”.

Putin accuses Prigozhin of “excessive ambition”.

After crossing the Russian border, the Wagner fighters advanced into the city and are said to have taken over all military facilities there in the meantime, as the head of the mercenary force, Yevgeny Prigozhin, claimed. However, his statements cannot be verified independently.

Indirectly, however, Putin confirmed the statements made by the Wagner boss. “Factually” the work “of civil and military leadership” in Rostov is blocked. Putin sharply attacked Prigozhin and accused him of having betrayed his own country out of “excessive ambition”.

“Every traitor will be punished”

Putin announced a “tough response” to the uprising. The military have already received the necessary orders. The leaders of the uprising “would be held accountable before the law and the people.” Putin added: “We will win. We will be stronger,” said the Kremlin boss. Anyone involved in the treason will be punished.

At the same time, he described the Wagner members as “heroes” who “liberated” the Donbass region in southern Ukraine. He called on the fighters not to engage in “criminal activities”. Like the Russian Defense Ministry before it, Putin also said that the Wagner members had been “deceived” by Prigozhin.

If necessary, Prigozhin wants to march to Moscow

The Wagner boss has threatened that if necessary he will advance to Moscow with his fighters in order to overthrow the Kremlin’s military leadership there. He accuses Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov of being responsible for a rocket attack on Wagner fighters. “Anti-terrorist measures” were put into effect in Moscow.

However, according to Prigozhin, it is not a military coup and the actions of his troops are not directed against Putin. The Russian public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation against Prigozhin for instigating an “armed uprising”. The domestic secret service FSB is looking for the Wagner boss in order to arrest him.

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