Putin in Hanoi: Russia and Vietnam deepen cooperation

Status: 20.06.2024 18:39

From defense to the economy to education – Russia and Vietnam are deepening their relations in numerous areas. The country was the Russian president’s second stop on his trip to Asia after North Korea.

The two long-standing allies Russia and Vietnam want to expand their cooperation. After a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Hanoi, both governments published a statement in which they agreed on more than ten agreements in areas such as the economy, education, energy, justice and science.

“Vietnam is our reliable partner and friend,” Putin said. Russia is determined to comprehensively expand the strategic partnership. Both sides have “identical or very similar positions on important international issues.

Praise for Vietnam’s “balanced stance” towards Ukraine

He had previously thanked the country for its “balanced stance on the Ukraine crisis” in an article for the Vietnamese newspaper “Nhan Dan”, which is considered the mouthpiece of the Communist Party. Hanoi had always abstained from UN votes on condemning the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

Vietnam has been a major Russian arms customer for decades. There are also important joint energy projects.

Vietnam maintains relations with all sides

During his visit, the Kremlin chief met with President To Lam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinhder and the General Secretary of the Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong, who invited him to Hanoi. “I remember the great and beautiful country of Russia with warm feelings,” said Nguyen, who, like many members of the Vietnamese leadership, studied in the former Soviet Union.

President To Lam spoke of the great trust between the two countries. He announced more cooperation in the areas of defense and security.

However, Vietnam is trying to maintain good relations with all sides. It is the only country that has been visited by US President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin within twelve months.

First stop North Korea

Before his visit to Vietnam, Putin traveled to North Korea, where he was received with military honors by a cheering crowd and flag-waving children. In the internationally isolated country, the Russian head of state and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement on Wednesday in which they pledged “mutual assistance in the event of aggression” by another state. Kim also promised Putin his “full support” in the conflict with Ukraine.

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