Punk rock: Feine-Sahne-Fischfilet-Singer: Was shocked by the weight

punk rock
Feine-Sahne-Fischfilet-Singer: Was shocked by the weight

Jan «Monchi» Gorkow, singer of the punk band Feine Sahne Fischfilet, has written a book about being fat. Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

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The singer Jan Gorkow claims to have lost 60 kilos in the past two years. He has now written a book about being fat.

The musician Jan Gorkow (34), singer of the punk band Feine Sahne Fischfilet, said his previous weight of 182 kilos was a shock.

“I’ve always had a lot of self-confidence and have never defined myself solely by my weight or my body. But always about what kind of person I was. But the number shocked even me,” Gorkov told Der Spiegel.

The musician – nicknamed “Monchi” – has written a book about his weight problems and how to deal with them. “I was 31 years old, had a BMI (body mass index) of almost 50 and was the fattest person I knew.” According to the report, Gorkov has lost 60 kilos in the past two years.

The book is entitled “Never satisfied” (“About the hunger for life and 182 kilos on the scales”) and will be published on April 7th. The publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch quotes the musician as saying: “I weigh 120 kilos and feel like a butterfly.”


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