Pullach – Corona burdens municipal budget – District of Munich

The Pullach household suffers from Corona, but thanks to a large financial pillow, the symptoms are not that bad. That is the quintessence of the budget deliberations for 2022 on Monday in the municipal council. As treasurer Andre Schneider explained at the presentation of the figures, only revenue losses were recorded for trade tax. For two years now, less money has been pouring into the municipal coffers from local companies; in 2020, revenues were down by 18 percent, and in the current year it is five percent less that Schneider has to post. For 2022, he expects income from trade tax of 55 million euros. The total budget will be 124 million euros.

Overall, the members of the committee were satisfied with the budget for 2022, but it was only narrowly approved with eleven to nine votes. Cornelia Zechmeister (WIP) and Christine Eisenmann (CSU) named the location plan of the town hall administration as the stumbling block. It is about the higher grouping of some employees, explained Mayor Susanna Tausendfreund (Greens). Eisenmann complained that an employee had not completed the training for a higher grouping. Many disagreements have not yet been cleared out of the way, said Zechmeister. “An establishment plan can be a problem, you can therefore reject a budget, but you don’t have to,” said Peter Bekk (Greens), describing the amount involved as the “Mickey Mouse amount”. Finally, Zechmeister was flabbergasted and spoke of things in connection with the position plan that she was not allowed to say here. “We are presented as if we were idiots, that’s enough for me,” she grumbled

“The pandemic has hardly any impact on the community’s expenditure” – the treasurer placed this sentence at the bottom of every page of his lecture. That is also desirable, because the congregation has big plans for the next four years. The investment program includes no fewer than 157 projects. A total of more than 119 million euros is to be invested. The ten largest projects alone have a combined investment volume of 84 million euros. Above all, the three school buildings (high school, middle school, elementary school) will go into the money. And then there is also the community’s geothermal project, which is to be expanded further. However, the municipality is not responsible for the largest expenditure items: the municipality has to transfer 40 percent of all its income, around 30 million euros, as a district levy to the finance department of the district administration, plus nine million trade tax levies.

According to Schneider, the municipality’s financial planning is still solid. Kämmerer Schneider describes the fact that, given the abundance of projects, the reserves of 100.3 million euros (January 1, 2022) will fall to 68.26 million according to the budget by the end of next year. That would only be the case if all projects were implemented. But he doesn’t think so.

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