Publisher: Embracer Group wants to use AI in game development

The Scandinavian publisher Embracer Group wants to rely heavily on generative AI in its own developments. “Great opportunities for AI in production speed, logistics and planning”it says in the Annual Report (Page 47) of the company.

In the very next sentence, Embracer Group writes that they are pleased about the “potential risks” aware of the risks associated with such AI systems. What risks are meant is not explained in more detail.

The gaming industry is generally still very cautious when it comes to generative AI. This is mostly due to possible copyright issues. ChatGPT and similar systems are known to be trained with existing data.

Many publishers and developers fear that this will result in works by other authors appearing in their games. This could damage the community’s image, but above all lead to massive financial demands from the actual creators.

A survey conducted by the organizers of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in spring 2024 revealed that the use of generative AI tools is fundamentally prohibited in around twelve percent of game studios – for the reasons mentioned above.

Embracer Group: dynamic and personalized adventures

On the other hand, the potential advantages in terms of cost and speed are quite tempting. AI can be used to create not only simple content such as simple textures, but also complex 3D models and entire landscapes that people work on for many weeks, almost at the push of a button.

Embracer also wants to use AI to give players a “unique, dynamic and personalized experience” This probably refers to systems such as Neo-NPCs that react independently to the player, such as those presented by Ubisoft together with Nvidia and Inworld AI at the GDC 2024.

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