Public service: warning strikes at several university hospitals

Status: 11/16/2021 12:26 p.m.

In the wage dispute with the federal states, the ver.di union is increasing the pressure. The staff at university clinics in several federal states were called to warning strikes today. In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, 2000 employees took part.

In the collective bargaining dispute in the public sector, the ver.di union has called on employees at university clinics in several federal states to go on warning strikes. According to the union, parts of the staff in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein responded to this call. In Berlin, daycare staff and employees in eight district offices and schools were also called to go on a warning strike.

Thousands of employees take part

At the university clinics in North Rhine-Westphalia, around 2000 collective bargaining employees went on a warning strike that morning. Employees from the six large university hospitals in Aachen, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen, Cologne and Münster wanted to take part.

Employees of the university medicine in Kiel and Lübeck also came together in the morning for a warning strike. According to ver.di, around 50 employees gathered in front of the main entrance to the clinic in Kiel at the beginning of the strike. In Bavaria, the workforce at the Munich Heart Center and five Bavarian university clinics were called upon to stop work.

Unions are demanding five percent more wages

With the warning strikes, ver.di wants to put pressure on employers in the current collective bargaining round. After negotiations with no results so far, ver.di and the dbb civil servants’ association will meet on November 27 and 28 in Potsdam for the third round of negotiations with the collective bargaining community of the federal states (TdL).

The unions are demanding five percent more wages for public sector employees in the federal states, but at least 150 euros a month. In addition, trainees and interns are to receive 100 euros more per month. The TdL has so far rejected the demands as unrealistic.

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