Psychology: What the voice reveals about a person – knowledge

Psychologists say that the first impression is not only shaped by the appearance, but also by the tone of the other person. They also say: the voice can provide information about self-confidence, spontaneity and sexual behavior.


Sebastian Herrmann

Sometimes the unexpected, the improbable, the impossible happens. It sounds crazy, but calling a hotline made the sun rise over the soul. The voice menu was understandable, the queue was very short, and a real person answered quickly. All questions could be answered, even stupid ones. All uncertainties had to be cleared up and the matter resolved. But best of all: A voice spoke at the other end of the line that was enchanting and triggered a feeling of cozy dizziness while listening. In the imagination, the image of a loving, completely wonderful person emerged, who would certainly help calmly in any situation. “Anyone listening to the radio or talking on the phone automatically derives an impression of this person from this acoustic impression,” write psychologists around Julia Stern from the University of Göttingen in a current study. So far, so normal. But was the reaction to the hotline voice just idealized enthusiasm, triggered by a magical voice, or was the impression actually correct?


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