Protests in Iran: Tough action splits parliament

Status: 09/27/2022 2:44 p.m

The violence of the security forces against protesters in Iran is causing ever sharper criticism. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights complained that live ammunition was sometimes used. The approach also splits Parliament.

According to state and social media, there have been renewed clashes between security forces and angry demonstrators in Iran. Riots were reported from dozens of cities. In some cases, the police used tear gas, state television reported.

restriction of civil liberties

According to eyewitnesses, the demonstrators in large cities have developed a new strategy. They appear in smaller groups, but in more places. The intention is to complicate the control of the police and security forces.

Apparently, the protests are now also generally directed against restrictions on personal liberties and the leadership in Iran. Videos posted to social media from Iran showed protesters chanting “Woman, Life, Freedom” or “I will kill those who killed my sister”. Others chanted “Death to the dictator” in reference to Iran’s supreme political and religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Different positions in Parliament

After the tough crackdown by the judiciary and security forces, the Iranian parliament is split. “The recent riots were organized by the enemies of Iran,” MP Sohreh Saadat-Ladschewardi said, according to the state news agency IRNA. She called for a consistent crackdown on the demonstrators.

On the other hand, the member of the domestic policy committee, Jalah Rashidi Kuchi, said: “As long as we don’t deal objectively with the current issues, nothing will work in the country.” Wild conspiracy theories, mutual insinuations, violence and political hypocrisy would neither solve the problems nor advance the country.

The protests were triggered by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. She died in police custody in Tehran a week and a half ago. The morality police had arrested her for violating the strict Islamic dress code and for not wearing her headscarf appropriately.

UN worried about the violence

Some social media posts said several university lecturers had resigned from their posts in protest of Amini’s death. In some universities, students stayed away from lectures. Neither the videos of the protests nor the information about what is happening at the universities can be independently verified.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is very concerned about the violence of the security authorities. The spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner Ravina Shamdasani complained that the Iranian security forces had at times used live ammunition at demonstrations critical of the government. Firearms should never be used just to break up a meeting. Thousands of people have taken part in demonstrations across the country in recent days.

According to official figures, 41 people died in the ongoing wave of protests. Human rights groups assume higher numbers.

However, the exact number of victims and arrests is also difficult to determine because of the restrictions on telecommunications. Restrictions on landline and mobile phones, the internet and social media platforms are also of concern, the spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner said.

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