Protest against Corona measures: riots at a demonstration in Brussels

Status: 05.12.2021 9:39 p.m.

Again, opponents of the Corona measures took to the streets in Brussels – with 8,000 participants, however, significantly fewer than two weeks ago. Police used water cannons and tear gas against some violent demonstrators.

In the Belgian capital, Brussels, thousands again took to the streets against the government’s tightened corona measures. The police spoke of 8,000 participants who had moved to the headquarters of the European Union. There were also violent clashes.

Fireworks and objects were thrown at police officers from a group, the police said. The emergency services then used tear gas and water cannons. There have been several arrests and four demonstrators and two police officers have been injured.

Escalation on the verge of the demo

According to correspondents, the march was initially peaceful. The participants held up signs that read “Vaccination – no thanks”. A group of women chanted “No vaccination for our children”.

Most of the participants had already dispersed when around 100 demonstrators encountered a cordon by the riot police blocking access to the European Commission. It was from this group that the attacks on the emergency services began, accompanied by shouts of “freedom, freedom”.

Unvaccinated people are no longer allowed in restaurants

In Belgium, corona rules have been tightened again for a few days, including the requirement to wear a mask to all children aged six and over and indoor events limited. The anger of the demonstrators was also directed against the fact that unvaccinated people have not been allowed to go to restaurants and bars for some time.

Police better prepared

The protests today were much smaller than those two weeks ago, when violent riots broke out for the first time. The police seemed surprised at the size of the demonstration with around 35,000 participants.

Now she was in action with a significantly larger line-up. Special forces equipped with protective shields and helmets were stationed at key points in Brussels. Helicopters and drones circled over the city.

Tightened corona rules in Belgium: Again protests in Brussels

Holger Beckmann, ARD Brussels, December 5, 2021 9:02 p.m.

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