Protection against bullying: mother shares videos of daughter with birthmark

Watch the video: Birthmark on the face – mother shares videos of her daughter to protect her from bullying.

Nicole Lucas Hall is a mother – on Instagram she shares the network with her daughter’s life. The reason: her daughter has a huge birthmark on her face. With the cute photos and videos, Nicole wants to show that not every child is the same. Before her daughter was born, Nicole herself had never seen such a birthmark. Like many other people – but the young mother wants to change that with her Instagram account. Nicole’s daughter suffers from a congenital melanocytic nevus, a term used to describe congenital brown birthmarks. There is a slightly increased chance of developing cancer. However, Mama Nicole’s biggest concern at the moment is that her daughter may face bullying during her childhood. For this reason, the mother continues to diligently post pictures and videos on Instagram to show her daughter and everyone else how beautiful she is with her birthmark. Her followers agree with her, showering Nicole’s daughter with compliments.

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