ProSieben: Opera star Paul Potts exposed in “The Masked Singer”.

Opera star Paul Potts exposed in “The Masked Singer”.

Paul Potts, British tenor, is on stage as the character “The Koala” in the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

With huge plush ears, a bicycle helmet and a delivery box on his back, a grinning koala stood on the “The Masked Singer” stage. Everyone on the advice team suspected the same celebrity under the mask.

The koala comes from the international stage: British opera singer Paul Potts was exposed on the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”.

The 51-year-old, who surprised everyone in the “Britain’s Got Talent” talent show in 2007 and finally won, received the fewest viewer votes in Cologne on Saturday evening and therefore had to take off his mask. “Very, very hot,” Potts said in broken German about his fluffy full-body suit. His vision was also severely restricted.

guess was there

The entire advice team had previously suspected that the Brit could be hiding under the big mask. Ruth Moschner and Rea Garvey agreed that the koala was not a native German speaker. Moschner threw Helge Schneider into the ring as another possible celebrity name. Comedian Carolin Kebekus, who was in the studio as a guest adviser, was quite at a loss, but then also guessed Potts. Also in conversation were David Hasselhoff and “HIM” singer Ville Valo.

Potts had appeared as a furry bike messenger with huge ears, a bike helmet, and a delivery box on his back. He sang the hit “Cold Heart” by Elton John and Dua Lipa in an unusually high voice.

The former mobile phone salesman Potts took part in the first season of “Britain’s Got Talent” in 2007 and was initially smiled at when he announced that he wanted to sing opera. After the first bars of Puccini’s aria “Nessun dorma”, however, the audience in the hall celebrated him and Potts’ performance was viewed all over the world on “Youtube”. The singer later released his own albums, reached the top of the charts in several countries and even sang in front of the Queen. This year he is going on tour in Germany, among other places.

“Galax’Sis” fit again after corona infection

The Brit is the third celebrity to leave the show. TV presenter Cherno Jobatey was revealed as a seagull last week, and in the first episode, presenter Jeannine Michaelsen was kicked out of the show in her colorful costume called Brilli. In episode three of the sixth “Masked Singer” season, the alien character called “Galax’Sis” was there again. The mythical creature had to sit out last week because of a corona disease, but on Saturday evening it was fit for the stage again.

In “The Masked Singer” celebrities appear as singers, but hide their identities behind masks and elaborate costumes. Only her voice and a few hints give an idea of ​​who could be on stage. The stars are unmasked as soon as they don’t get enough votes or end up winning.


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