Princess Kate: She shows her support for addicts

Princess Kate
She shows her support for addicts

Princess Kate is Patron of the Forward Trust.

© Frederic Legrand – COMEO/

As part of Addiction Awareness Week, Princess Kate called on addicts to accept offers of help.

Princess Kate, 40, has shown her support for people struggling with addiction as patron of the charity The Forward Trust. In a short speechwhich was created on the occasion of Addiction Awareness Week, Prince William’s wife (40) explained: “Addiction is a serious mental illness that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality.”

Princess Kate: “We’re not where we need to be yet”

As a patron of The Forward Trust, she has met many people who have suffered from the effects of addiction, the princess said. “Attitudes towards addiction are changing. But we’re not where we need to be yet. Shame still keeps people and families from asking for help, and people still tragically lose their lives.” Society must recognize “that the solution to helping those affected is to try and understand what led them to addiction, to empathize with them and to understand their struggles,” explains the 40-year-old.

In the end, the member of the British royal family addressed those affected directly: “Please realize that addiction is not chosen. No one chooses to become addicted. I want you to know that this is a serious health condition. Please don’t let shame keep you from getting the help you so desperately need. Recovery is possible.”

Princess Kate serves as a patron for a variety of organizations, institutions and campaigns. Most recently, her support for a very special project was made public: The physiotherapist Preet Chandi, who is currently also an officer in the British Army, wants to dare something historic: As the first woman, she would like to be completely on her own and cross the Antarctic without outside help. Chandi explained: “My goal for this expedition has always been to inspire other people to push themselves to the limit. I want to take people on this journey to show them that nothing is impossible. It is an absolute privilege to to have the Princess of Wales as patron.”


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