Prince Harry’s sad confession: without therapy he would have lost Meghan

Prince Harry’s sad confession: without therapy he would have lost Meghan

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry during their stay in New York.

© imago images/ZUMA Wire

Prince Harry has made it his mission to draw attention to mental illness. He even talks openly about his own problems – and how he risked his relationship with Meghan.

A big common theme in Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s relationship is mental health. Both speak openly in interviews about the importance of keeping an eye on your own. Right at the beginning of the relationship there was a moment when Harry almost lost Meghan.

At a virtual event of the coaching portal “BetterUp”, where Harry is part of the management team and also bears the title “Chief Impact Officer”, the prince spoke again about his mental health. His message is clear. You should take more time for yourself and be mindful of your own mental health. He himself would take between 30 and 45 minutes in the morning every day just for himself and his thoughts. He then likes to walk the dog, enjoy nature and meditation is a daily duty for the British royal. “It’s also work, but of all that we have to do, it’s the most fulfilling activity. Apart from being a father, of course,” is how he describes his work.

Prince Harry became aware: without further help he would lose Meghan

But Prince Harry didn’t always have this awareness of himself. There was a time in his life when the young prince tried many different doctors, therapists and psychologists. But no session could help him as well as the devotion of his wife Meghan. Several disputes are said to have complicated the relationship between the two right from the start. This is often triggered by Harry’s mental health. As he himself reported in an interview with “BetterUp”, he had reached a low point, which he also describes in the documentary series “The Me You Can’t See” on Apple TV +: “I knew that I had to solve my problems , otherwise I would have lost Meghan,” admits Harry.

“There were a lot of realizations early on in our relationship, one was the shock for Meghan being able to see behind the scenes of the British monarchy for the first time. The other was that we often argued until she said, ‘You have to meet someone and talk to him,'” admitted Prince Harry. It was an eye-opening moment in which he saw for himself that in the conflict he had become the “12-year-old Harry” he was back then. A finding that, according to the 37-year-old, his therapist at the time was also able to confirm.

Source: BetterUp, TheNews, AppleTV+


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