Prince Harry’s new attack on his family in the trial against the publisher of the “Daily Mail”

Prince Harry’s new attack on his family. Present at a hearing at the High Court in London in the context of the lawsuits brought with several celebrities against Associated Newspaper (ANL), the husband of Meghan Markle accused the British royal family of having withheld information from him about the telephone tapping carried out by British tabloids. These accusations were revealed in a deposition on Tuesday as part of the legal proceedings he has brought against the publisher of the DailyMail.

In his witness statement signed on February 24 and which AFP was able to consult, the youngest son of King Charles III evokes his “difficult relationship with the press” since the death of his mother Diana but explains that “for a member of the institution, the policy was ‘never complain, never explain’.

Hidden Information

He says the royal family dissuaded him from suing the press because “it could open a Pandora’s box.” “There is no doubt that the institution [royale] hid information about phone hacking from me for a long time, and it only became clear in recent years when I filed my own complaint. »

Harry, who only travels to the UK exceptionally, made a surprise visit to London to attend the hearing at which ANL is trying to defeat the lawsuits brought by the king’s son, but also singer Elton John or the actress Liz Hurley. The six plaintiffs accuse ANL of employing detectives to wiretap them.

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