Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Couple not attending “Trooping the Colour”

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
Couple not present at “Trooping the Colour”

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry at the Trooping the Colour in 2019.

© imago/Martin Dalton

Didn’t receive an invitation? Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan will apparently not be attending Charles’ second “Trooping the Colour” either.

Prince Harry (39) and Duchess Meghan (42) will not be part of the “Trooping the Colour” on June 15. As “People” magazine reports, the couple has not received an invitation to the traditional military parade in honor of the British monarch’s birthday for the second year in a row. Last year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were not present at the first “Trooping the Colour” in honor of King Charles III (75).

Harry and Meghan were last there in 2022

Harry and Meghan attended the event together for the first time in 2018 – about a month after their wedding. In 2019, they also stood on the balcony with the entire Royal Family shortly after the birth of their son Archie (5). In 2020 and 2021, due to the corona pandemic, the military parade only took place on a small scale for Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) at Windsor Castle – without a large family reunion.

In 2022, Harry and Meghan attended the event in London for the last time – it was a special “Trooping the Colour” in honor of the Queen’s platinum jubilee that same year. However, they did not appear on the balcony with the rest of the royal family at that time.

Since their retirement as working members of the Royal Family, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan rarely travel to Great Britain. This may be due, among other things, to security concerns and Harry’s falling out with Charles and Prince William (41).

Is Princess Kate attending Trooping the Colour?

At first it was not clear whether the military parade would take place at all this year. After Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced at the end of May that general elections would be held on July 4, King Charles and heir to the throne Prince William cancelled all planned events. Shortly afterwards, however, it was confirmed that Trooping the Colour would take place as usual.

King Charles will be there despite his cancer, but will not ride to the palace on horseback as usual, but will sit in a carriage next to Queen Camilla (76). It is not yet known whether Princess Kate (42) will be on the balcony despite her ongoing cancer treatment. The Daily Mirror recently reportedthe Princess of Wales is thinking about showing herself on the balcony if she feels well enough.


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