Prince Albert of Monaco and his children plant a tree for Charlène

Last week, Prince Albert of Monaco spoke to the US magazine “People” about the condition of his wife Charlène. The 43-year-old was admitted to a clinic at her own request because of mental and physical exhaustion. It is not known exactly where and for how long Charlène was treated.

Prince Albert now used a public appearance to commemorate Charlène. The 63-year-old planted a South African jacaranda tree in front of the Monte-Carlo casino. Albert was accompanied by his children Gabriella and Jacques and classmates of the twins.

Princess Charlène returned to Monaco at the beginning of November after spending several months in South Africa. An ENT infection and several operations had delayed Charlène’s return flight again and again. She should now fully recover in the clinic. As soon as the doctors allow, Prince Albert wants to visit them with the twins. Maybe on December 10th: Then Gabriella and Jacques will celebrate their seventh birthday.


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