Prime Minister Johnson under pressure: Christmas party reports anger Brits

As of: December 8th, 2021 12:13 p.m.

Last year there was said to have been a party at 10 Downing Street during the Christmas season – in the middle of lockdown. A video incriminates the British government. The House of Commons wants to confront Prime Minister Johnson today.

By Christoph Prössl, ARD-Studio London

The British press has been reporting for days that shortly before Christmas 2020, on December 18, there should have been a kind of party in the official residence of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. At the time, there were strict contact restrictions in London. In the past few days, the government has always emphasized that all rules have been observed. However, a party was neither confirmed nor denied at the same time. It is also unclear how the gathering of numerous people over drinks should have happened in accordance with the rules.

The corona situation in England in December 2020 was dramatic, the number of infections was high, and the vaccination program had only just started. On December 18, the authorities reported 514 corona deaths.

ITV video leak upsets Britons

Yesterday, ITV TV station released a video showing former spokeswoman Allegra Stratton simulating a government press conference with staff. The video was apparently recorded on December 22, 2020. In it, a person asks about the Christmas party, the former spokeswoman and employee laugh: It was just a drink, she didn’t take part herself, she giggles and asks in the room whether it would have been permissible as a working meeting.

After this release, Health Minister Sajid Javid canceled several interviews on the subject of the “One Year Vaccination Program” for the morning. Apparently he wanted to avoid getting grilled over the new video.

Tories also criticize Johnson

The opposition is outraged. Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Ian Blackford calls for Prime Minister Johnson’s resignation.

There is also criticism within the conservative party. A Tory leader told the BBC that the prime minister appeared to think the rules would not apply to his pals: “People who have been stopped by the government from seeing their dying relatives and friends will feel fooled,” quoted as saying the BBC.

From 1 p.m. German time, the weekly question time with Prime Minister Johnson will take place in the House of Commons. The opposition will question him about the Christmas party.

British government under pressure for Christmas party

Christoph Prössl, ARD London, December 8th, 2021 11:47 am

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