Prime Minister Jean Castex tested positive for Covid-19

The Prime Minister Jean Castex tested positive for Covid -19, Matignon announcement this Monday evening. The head of government was declared a contact case after one of his 11-year-old daughters tested positive. Jean Castex suffers from “mild symptoms” according to his entourage in particular a “slight cough”.

The head of government kept himself in solitary confinement and drove the meeting scheduled for Monday around the elected officials of Guadeloupe by videoconference. His weekly interview with President Emmanuel Macron will take place this Tuesday by telephone, as will the majority lunch. In the National Assembly, for questions to the government, he will be represented by the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

Other government officials in quarantine

This Monday evening, four members of the French government, the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin, the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of the Armed Forces Florence parly and the Secretary of State for European Affairs Clement Beaune, travel to Brussels, are also in contact. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, who received Jean Castex in Brussels in the afternoon, also quarantined himself.

Jean Castex had already been in contact on three occasions: in September 2020 during the Tour de France after sharing the car of the director of the competition, Christian Prudhomme, a second time following a dinner with Emmanuel Macron in December, then in June, after his wife contracted the disease. The head of government, who received two doses of the vaccine, had never tested positive.

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