Presidential election USA: Joe Biden announces his candidacy for 2024 – Politics

Of course, Democrats know that Joe Biden isn’t the brightest candidate for the next presidential election. But he is the only one who is trusted to win against Donald Trump.

The Joe Biden sandwich is now being made at Janssen’s Market in Wilmington, Delaware. The woman from the deli puts two slices of white bread on the counter, pulls turkey out of the freezer, and drapes Havarti cheese and a pile of arugula on top. Then she squeezes champagne mustard out of the bottle, and plenty of it. In fact, it’s a wonder a Fox News team hasn’t already been here to document ingredients like arugula and champagne mustard on the presidential sandwich. Sean Hannity, one of the network’s hard-right stars, might ask with a stern expression, “What’s that even supposed to be, arugula?” Certainly something un-American.

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