Premier League adopts tougher penalties for pyrotechnics and speedsters

Premier League adopts tougher penalties for pyrotechnics and speedsters


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The Premier League has decided new penalties for pyrotechnics and space storms. Offenders will in future be subject to a ban of at least one year.

The Premier League has voted on stiffer penalties for using pyrotechnics and entering the pitch during a match. The clubs unanimously approved the tightening.

Pyrotechnics and space attacks are a tiresome topic in English professional football. In the future, these actions will be punished more severely.

In a meeting on Wednesday, all 20 Premier League clubs decided in a non-anonymous vote with a unanimous result that fans and spectators who use pyrotechnics or smoke bombs or enter the field illegally will be banned for at least a year in the future. In individual cases, the ban can be even longer.

“Fans caught carrying or activating pyrotechnics or smoke bombs, or trespassing on the pitch will automatically be banned from the club for a minimum period of one year,” the official statement said.

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The suspension applies to all home and away games of the respective team. The new rules come into effect immediately.

Parents or carers of children who violate the pyro or site inspection rules can be held accountable and punished with the corresponding ban for at least one year.

Everything about the Premier League at 90min:

This article was originally published on as Premier League adopts tougher penalties for pyrotechnics and speedsters released.


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