Pregnant “Let’s Dance” star Christina Hänni insulted by fans because of her belly size

“Are they going to be twins?”

Heavily pregnant Christina Hänni is insulted by followers

Christina Hänni will soon become a mother for the first time.


“Looks like they are two children.”

Shortly before the birth of her daughter, “Let’s Dance” pro Christina Hänni presents herself to her Instagram followers in a beautifully styled, off-the-shoulder floral dress. But in addition to countless compliments, the soon-to-be mom also has to read the odd nasty comment about her belly size.

Christina Hänni has to read nasty comments about her body

“Oops, are they going to be twins?”, “Are you pregnant or just a little fat?” and “It looks like two kids,” are three of the comments that came to mind for some of Christina Hänni’s followers when they saw her baby bump. “But her arms have gotten really round. Hopefully she’ll get rid of it all again,” another follower chimed in.

“Wow…I can’t get any more pregnant soon” or “I think a bomb is about to explode,” other followers make fun of Christina’s belly size.

The 34-year-old herself has not responded to the insulting comments about her body, but other fans have come to her aid in outrage. “You look so beautiful, I’m really sorry that such intrusive and completely unnecessary comments keep being posted,” writes one follower. “Here you can see a very pretty, heavily pregnant woman who is looking forward to the baby and is surely happy to hold it in her arms soon. Everyone can imagine that it is no longer fun when you are in the final phase of a pregnancy. What a woman achieves is simply hats off!”, writes another, upset about the nasty comments.

Reading tip: Christina Hänni surprises with intimate baby shower: “I’m just fine”

In the video: Honest words before the birth – Christina Hänni is afraid