Pop-up shop for “AC/DC” fans in Munich – Munich

Metallica have gone, AC/DC There are two huge concerts in Munich again (9th and 12th June), and once again more than 100,000 rockers are coming to the city. And they don’t just want to make the pilgrimage to the Olympic Stadium and pay homage to their guitar gurus, they also want to experience something else, preferably together. As with Metallica, AC/DC also has a backstage area for fans. The “AC/DC High Voltage Dive Bar” is a pop-up shop where you can party, “admire cult relics”, buy “exclusive merchandise” and watch films on the big screen, as the operator writes.

The bar in Munich’s Backstage sub-culture center is easily recognized by the huge AC/DC neon sign and symbols of the Australian hard rock heroes: lightning bolts and Hells Bells. Inside there is a mural from the video for “Through The Mists Of Time” as well as another photo opportunity on a poster wall and with an “In Rock We Trust” guitar.

Fans can also buy souvenirs, although not nearly as many as in Metallica’s pop-up store. In Gelsenkirchen there were T-shirts (40 euros), a bathrobe (60 euros), a jacket and a collector’s figurine (200 euros each) and more. Two vinyl albums that will only be available in dive bars on the “Power Up” tour in five European cities could be particularly interesting. They are replicas of the first two Australian editions of “TNT” and “High Voltage” from 1975, “including various printing errors and original labels”, which have never officially been available outside of Australia and New Zealand, writes the operator.

If you don’t want to spend any money, you can still take home a lasting souvenir: At a tattoo station, fans can get all the AC/DC logos that the band has ever used tattooed for free.

AC/DC High Voltage Dive Bar, Munich, Backstage, Sun. & Wed., 9th & 12th June, 12pm to 8pm, Mon., Tues. & Thurs., 10th, 11th & 13th June, 2pm to 10pm, Reitknechtstraße 6, www.acdc.com/divebar

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