Polygon Launches “zkEVM Public Testnet” and Invites Web3 Developers to Test

Ethereum scaling platform Polygon has announced the launch of zkEVM Public Testnet, an ecosystem that “Ethereum equivalent” with cross-compatibility with existing smart contracts and developer tools. and a wallet built on Ethereum and Polygon PoS.

The Zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) is a layer 2 build on top of Ethereum with the aim of improving scalability. Go through a lot of processing in a single transaction. The test network was launched under the team. Polygon’s zero-knowledge R&D

Aave and Uniswap, along with Lens, social platform Web3 and game studio Midnight Society, will be among the first projects to be deployed on the zkEVM testnet.

Polygon also encourages Web3 developers to deploy contracts and address bugs. According to Polygon co-founder Mihailo Bjelic, “We invite the entire community to try testnet and help us test the limits. and identify defects So that we can all deliver the first zkEVM to the world!”

Developers can migrate to zkEVM without the need for new programming languages ​​and tools. or translating existing code This includes all open-source zk-Prover mechanisms.

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