Polkadot (DOT) Founder Announces $774 Million DeFi Development Fund

Wood invites DOT holders to make suggestions to promote the growth of the network, offering Polkadot treasury funds as an incentive.

after the merger of DOT last week supported byannouncePolkadot’s highly awaited Parachain auction by Gavin Wood $774 million has been spent on creativity.

Polkadot, built by Wood, currently has 18,936,300 DOT in stock, which according to its founders. Instead of being slowly burned down by protocols, come to capitalize what the network’s rights holders believe are valuable.

Creating, improving, educating, and more

“The Polkadot Treasury currently has 18,936,300 DOT (DOT not USD ) and is ready to spend on *your* ideas to create, improve, educate and, of course, whatever Polkadot rights holders believe are valuable.” Wood wrote on Twitter inviting DOT holders to make suggestions to further the network’s growth.

The on-chain management system proposed by the network considers coin holders, validators, committees, and technical committees.

The DOT in the repository is part of the network protocol. Plus, fees, slashes, and improper staking configurations are all contributing factors.” Polkadot creator and Kusama It continues to explain where the funds come from.

“If it doesn’t work It will be burnt slowly, currently burning 239,988 DOT every month,” he added.

Ready to launch Parachain

The auction of the network’s first Parachain slot is proposed to begin on November 11 as the heterogeneous multichain architecture outlined in the Polkadot whitepape is nearing its completion.

The price of DOT has risen more than 16% in the past 7 days following the developer’s announcement that Polkadot is technically ready to support the first Parachain, a multi-specialized blockchains that will make its groundbreaking multichain architecture. network is real

Parachains will be the final step of Polkadot’s multi-phase launch process, which began in May of last year. With the release of the first authenticated version of the Polkadot Relay Chain.

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