“Polizeiruf 110” today from Rostock: Charly Hübner’s sad farewell

“Polizeiruf 110” from Rostock
Heavily in love and in a big mess: Charly Huebner’s gloomy farewell

Brief moments of happiness: Charly Hübner’s last assignment as Inspector Alexander Bukow (here with Anneke Kim Sarnau as Katrin König) in “Polizeiruf 110” from Rostock has turned out to be a dark film.

© NDR / Christine Schroeder / ARD

A big one says goodbye: Charly Hübner’s last assignment as “police call” commissioner Alexander Bukow has turned into a dark crime thriller. Only brief moments of love happiness with colleague Katrin König can lighten the mood.

  • 3 out of 5 points
  • A sometimes unnecessarily complicated, but overall worthy conclusion of the “police call” cases about Alexander Bukow played by Charly Hübner.

What’s the matter?

Ostensibly, the Rostock “police call” investigators Katrin König (Anneke Kim Sarnau) and Alexander Bukow (Charly Hübner) have to solve the death of the owner of a music club who was murdered during a live concert. At first they suspect the exalted musician Jo Mennecke (Bela B. Felsenheimer), but it quickly becomes clear that this is actually about something else: Bukow’s old intimate enemy Subocek is back in Rostock and blackmailed him with information that his colleague and lover Katrin König could deliver to the knife. Bukow has to decide: will he work for a criminal or will he sacrifice his girlfriend?

Why is this “Police Call 110” worthwhile?

With “None of us” a crime era comes to an end: Over a period of almost twelve years, Charly Hübner played one of the most exciting investigators that German television has to offer in 24 cases. The final episode, like a kind of best of, brings together a lot of what makes up Alexander Bukow, played by Hübner: The beefy commissioner has always had problems with a clear demarcation from the underworld and has played more according to his own rules than according to the law. That is now falling on his feet. His otherwise so correct colleague Katrin König was infected and once falsified evidence in order to convict a criminal. In their last fall together, the two catch up with all of their past sins. A round end to the years together.

What bothers?

When Rostock’s “Polizeiruf 110” was launched, it showed a facet that was a rarity in German TV thrillers at the time: the episodes were also told horizontally. In other words, in addition to the completed cases, there were overarching storylines that made greater complexity possible. Because stories did not have to be dealt with in 90 minutes, but could unfold over many episodes. However, this has a major disadvantage with crime novels, the new episodes of which are only broadcast twice a year: viewers have forgotten what happened. This is exactly the big disadvantage of “None of us”: Several threads from past cases converge here. Many viewers will lose track of it.

The commissioners?

It had long been suggested: There was a spark between Alexander Bukow and Katrin König. And powerful. They act like two teenagers in love. Your behavior at work alternates between cute and embarrassing. König, so far eternally single and difficult to place, finally makes a spontaneous marriage proposal to her partner and colleague, a toothbrush wire serves as a wedding ring. He is very touched: “I’ve been married before and raised two sons,” he replies. “But this with you is the greatest and most beautiful thing I can imagine for the rest of my life.”

Turn on or off?

A great investigator resigns. You shouldn’t miss this – despite some weaknesses.

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