Police officers shot dead: Two suspects caught in Saarland

See the video: Arrests after fatal shots at police officers in the West Palatinate

After the deadly shots at two police officers in the Palatinate, the police in Sulzbach, Saarland, arrested a suspect. A vehicle was tracked down there in the late afternoon and two apartments were searched, according to a police spokeswoman. MELANIE MORBACH, PRESS SPOKESMAN OF THE SAARLAND STATE POLICE HEADQUARTERS: “We had indications that the 38-year-old suspect who was being publicly searched for was staying here. That has finally been confirmed, fortunately. And special units from Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland were then able to arrest the suspect in the area of ​​the vehicle without resistance.” Another man was arrested during a search of the apartment, police said. It is currently being checked whether he is related to the crime. The search measures continued because it could not be ruled out that there were accomplices. Two police officers were shot dead during a traffic check on a district road on Monday night. The police then searched for a 38-year-old man.

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