Podcast “important today”: climate crisis – deal with the climate feeling

“important today”
Afraid of the climate crisis? A psychologist gives tips

The sun sets behind the Linden gas power plant and the new town hall. The photo was taken with extreme telephoto focal length from a distance of almost eight kilometers from the Kronsberg on the outskirts of Hanover.

© Julian Stratenschulte / DPA

Young people are growing up with the climate crisis. It is present in her everyday life and its consequences will accompany her into her future. The younger generation is particularly concerned about this. But what is the best way to deal with the “climate feelings”?

Forest fires, melting glaciers, extreme thunderstorms – we are in the middle of the climate crisis. There is no doubt about it. While older generations grew up with the moon landing, the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the young Generation Z is primarily shaped by this one topic. Because she will be particularly affected. This is why so-called climate anxiety is widespread there, according to a scientific, international study from 2021. 10,000 children and young people between the ages of 16 and 25 were interviewed.

Of these, 59 percent said they were very or extremely concerned about climate change, and 75 percent agreed the future was scary. This also causes psychological problems, according to the study: 48 percent of young people felt ignored or rejected in conversations about the climate. The psychotherapist Lea Dohm wrote a book about this fear, “Climate Feelings”. In the 339th episode of “Today Important” she can confirm the study mentioned: “We know from research that fears of climate change are widespread among young people.”

Research shows that fear of climate change is primarily an issue among younger generations

Lea Dohm herself is strongly committed to the climate, co-founded the organization “Psychologists for Future” in response to the “Fridays for Future” demonstrations: “It was clear to me for a long time that we have a big problem. But that it really clicked that it actually affects me, my family, my kids… That was when the big school strikes started in 2018/2019.” At that time she dealt with the research situation and was shocked. “It almost blew my mind because I couldn’t understand, why is nobody doing anything?” This caused her great anxiety.

But these feelings are normal, says the psychotherapist. That’s why you should deal with them in the same way as with other unpleasant feelings: “First of all, it’s important to take the feelings seriously and to pursue them.” In addition, one should tackle the felt powerlessness: “We have forgotten a bit how to think about how we can get involved. How we can make a difference in society.”

Do a reality check: “How justified is my fear?”

According to the expert, what helps is to explore your own options for action and then act accordingly. A kind of reality check by finding out which fears are actually justified and which are not: “We can stop the climate crisis, but we cannot stop the drought summer from continuing for the time being, for example.” Another problem is that many people still do not perceive the climate crisis as an emergency. This is why it is so difficult for people to make climate-friendly compromises, explains Lea Dohm. When talking to children about the climate crisis, she advises, as with other difficult topics, not to project your own fears onto the children. Even small children can deal with the crisis well, as long as you teach them this topic carefully and at their own pace.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

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