Since its launch in September 2021, Amazon Games’ MMO, New World, has experienced fluctuations in player engagement. Recently, a player named NurehBlur made headlines by becoming the first to achieve 100% completion in the game, unlocking all achievements and Steam successes after over 9,200 hours of gameplay. His dedication is evident, with an average of 8.5 hours daily since release. The gaming community has reacted with awe, recognizing the extraordinary effort behind this milestone, particularly given that many achievements are exceptionally challenging.
Since its launch in September 2021, Amazon Games’ massively multiplayer online (MMO) game, New World, has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Although it lost some players a few months post-release, a dedicated community still thrives within this virtual world.
Recently, one player achieved an incredible milestone by becoming the first to complete New World 100%. This feat involved unlocking all game achievements and Steam successes, a journey that took a staggering over 9,200 hours.
A Historic Achievement in New World
Indeed, the hours logged by the player, known as NurehBlur, are remarkable. His Steam profile indicates 9286 hours of gameplay, equating to an impressive average of 8.5 hours daily since the game’s debut. While some of this time may include periods where the game was left running in the background, the dedication is nonetheless astounding.
After investing such extensive time, NurehBlur has finally unlocked every single achievement in New World, including some of the most challenging tasks, such as:
- Reaching level 200 in all professions
- Winning 100 wars
- Achieving a zone reputation of 300 in every city
- Completing 4,000 faction missions
- Winning 100 invasions
- …and much more.
Out of the 133 achievements available on Steam, 24 are claimed by less than 1% of players, highlighting just how extraordinary this accomplishment is. It’s safe to say NurehBlur’s chair has endured quite a test of durability!
Community Reactions to the Milestone
- ‘Wow, the playtime is insane. You’ve averaged 8.5 hours a day since launch. That’s dedication! I’ve played since beta and only clocked 800 hours. The 300 reputation in all cities is impressive. How long did it take you to reach 0-300?’ – He responded, noting it took about 5 months to level all areas!
- ‘I’m frustrated that there are 133 achievements on Steam but only 18 on Xbox. What’s that about? Congrats anyway, and wow, what a crazy amount of playtime.’*
- ‘Over 416 days invested. Was it worth it?’ – He replied, ‘Already? Time flies!’