Planète Sauvage welcomes “one of the largest elephants” visible in Europe

It absolutely took the intervention of a crane to unload them. Two elephants very recently entered the Planète Sauvage animal park, in Port-Saint-Père near Nantes, the tourist site announced on Tuesday. Called Africa, one of the new residents is presented as one of “the biggest and biggest elephants in European zoos”. It is a 38-year-old male weighing 5.6 tons and measuring more than 3.20 meters. And it is true that it is impressive alongside its fellow Wankie, which weighs “only” 3 tons.

Like him, this 41-year-old female traveled from Belgium, coming from the park Wild World, as part of a European breeding program. “This transfer required several months of preparation for the Planète Sauvage animal team. Indeed, it has organized the plain and the lodges according to its new guests, ”explains the park, which had recently announced the death of its elephant Flora, at the age of 35.

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