Planète Sauvage announces the death of its elephant Flora, in the park for 19 years

She was easily recognizable by visitors, thanks to “her folded right ear”. Flora, one of the two African elephants from Planète Sauvage (Loire-Atlantique) unfortunately died on Saturday, announces the animal park on his facebook pageprompting hundreds of emotional comments.

After being alerted by his trumpeting, the trainers discovered the 35-year-old animal lying down, presenting “a very serious fracture of the front leg”. “Despite all the efforts of the healers and the care of the veterinarians, who mobilized all possible resources, Flora died at the end of the afternoon, in the presence of the team”, reports Planète Sauvage.

She leaves her roommate Bamba

Arrived in Port-Saint-Père nineteen years ago, Flora shared her life with her roommate Bamba, who took on the role of “matriarch” with her strong character. The African elephant is the largest land mammal.

“Hunted for ivory for a long time, elephant populations have decreased dramatically,” explains Planète Sauvage. From now on, it is the cohabitation with the farmers that poses a problem”. The animal park is due to reopen to the public for a new season on March 5.

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