PISA study: German teenagers in the middle range when it comes to creative thinking

Status: 18.06.2024 12:58

How can awareness of the importance of bees be raised? This is a question posed by the most recent PISA study that requires creative thinking. The evaluation shows that there is still room for improvement in Germany.

When it comes to creative thinking, young people in Germany are in the middle of the pack when it comes to international comparisons. They can think creatively just as well as the average 15-year-old in the countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), such as the Technical University of Munich announced.

Germany is on a par with Spain, France, the Netherlands and Israel. Creative competence was examined in the most recent PISA study. In Germany, around 5,900 young people aged 15 completed tasks on creative thinking in addition to the test in mathematics, reading and science, the results of which were published in 2023.

A good quarter performed particularly well

For example, the young people were asked to think of ideas on how to raise awareness of the importance of bees or to come up with a dialogue for a comic. 27 percent of the young people in Germany did particularly well. In contrast, 22 percent of the young people were barely able to develop ideas for simple visual designs and written representations or to find solutions to problems.

The analyses also showed that girls perform significantly better in creative thinking than boys. However, if the greater reading skills of girls are taken into account in the statistical analysis, the difference between the sexes in creative thinking is only slight.

It also showed that students who scored particularly high in creative thinking also tended to perform very well in mathematics, reading and science.

The young people in South Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have the greatest creative skills within the OECD countries. Taking all participating countries into account, Singapore is at the top. Albania, the Philippines and Uzbekistan performed worst.

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