Photovoltaics despite monument protection? Not that easy – Bavaria

At least Helmut Grundner is making progress. These days, the craftsmen are supposed to climb onto the roof of Grundner’s house in Wasserburger Ledererzeile and install the PV system. The roof is one of many in the old town, together with the others it forms a kind of mosaic. It can be clearly seen from up above the castle or from the “Beautiful View” on the outer high bank of the Wasserburger Innschleife. Red bricks, green sheet metal, brown bricks, sheet metal in all shades of gray, plus the calm red roofs of the churches. However, there are hardly any photovoltaic systems so far, because Wasserburg’s old town as an ensemble is almost entirely under monument protection. The model project “Monument protection and renewable energies” was intended to show how renewable energies can still work, for which the city of Wasserburg was awarded the Bavarian Monument Protection Medal in July 2022. So far, the project shows above all that it really isn’t that easy.

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