Photo of movie theater hit by tornadoes goes viral

An amateur photographer took a photo that was shared by many Internet users. This photo shows a movie theater in Mayfield, a Kentucky town hit by a severe tornado on the night of Friday December 10 through Saturday December 11.

The place is almost intact except the screen has given way to a gaping hole through which appears the rubble of houses, reports the HuffPost. Called “end credits”, “credits of the end” in French, this photo has gone viral, as the symbol of human powerlessness in the face of natural disasters.

“Please think of helping us”

“The last few days have broken my heart. I just felt that these photos should be shared… with everyone. (…) My family is safe, my house has had nothing. I really care about this city and it has always been there for me. Please think of helping us, by any means, ”said to CNN Shawn Triplett, the author of the photo while specifying that he was not “a professional photographer”.

This former marine who has been in Iraq and Afghanistan said he was “devastated” and “shocked” by what he saw during his stroll through his hometown. The most devastating tornado that Kentucky has seen, killed 74 people in the state. Faced with this situation, Shawn Triplett decided to launch an online fundraiser in order to buy Christmas gifts for children who have lost everything. Almost 1,000 people have already participated and the amount raised stands at more than $ 73,000.

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