Per train: 9-euro ticket could overload tourist routes

per track
9 euro ticket could overload tourist routes

The 9-euro ticket for local transport should be available from June 1st. Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The 9-euro monthly ticket, which is valid for three months, will be available from June 1st. The Pro Bahn passenger association fears overcrowded trains on popular tourist routes.

According to the Pro Bahn passenger association, the reduced local transport ticket “9 for 90” could lead to overcrowded trains on classic holiday connections.

“We expect overcrowded trains on popular tourist routes,” said Pro-Bahn spokesman Karl-Peter Naumann of the “Rheinische Post”. “More trains have to be ordered for this,” demands Naumann. Basically, he praises the cheap ticket for local public transport, which will be available from June 1st. In his opinion, however, it would be even better if it did not only apply to regional transport. “Long-distance commuters get nothing, although they suffer massively from the high fuel costs.”

The plans of the traffic light coalition for the 9-euro monthly ticket for three months were also a topic in negotiations between the federal and state governments on Tuesday about a financial package to support and strengthen local public transport (ÖPNV). It is undisputed that the federal government will bear the cost of the ticket. In country circles it was said that the negotiations for a sum of 1.5 billion euros were particularly difficult – the countries are demanding this money so that increased energy prices for transport companies can be compensated for.


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