People: Merkel praises actor Matthes’ commitment to tolerance

Merkel praises actor Matthes’ commitment to tolerance

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel gave the laudation for actor Ulrich Matthes (r) at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s “Homage”. Photo

© Carsten Koall/dpa

It is clear at first glance that these two people like each other: former Chancellor Angela Merkel is giving the laudatory speech for Ulrich Matthes. It is about the connections between politics and theater. And about democracy.

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel has supported the actor’s efforts Ulrich Matthes was honored for his tolerance and humanity. “At the same time, Ulrich Matthes consistently refuses any tolerance where intolerance and contempt for humanity occur. He never shies away from this confrontation,” said the former CDU leader at a “homage” to Matthes in Berlin by the CDU-affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). Matthes used his acceptance speech to warn against racism and anti-Semitism.

With the “Homage”, the foundation annually honors an outstanding personality in German-speaking culture. Matthes has impressed on stage as well as in film and television, it says in justifying the award. He also made his mark as President of the German Film Academy from 2019 to 2022. Matthes has been a permanent member of the ensemble at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin since 2004/2005. He is one of “the great mimes of our time, who not least wins over young audiences to dealing with socio-political problems.” Previous award winners include Christo and the director and artistic director Jürgen Flimm, who died in 2023.

Merkel: Tolerance is a scarce commodity these days

Merkel said of Matthes that his “fiery core” as an actor is fed by his view of society. “Although he knows the depths of human character from his roles, in life he is a real philanthropist.” Matthes “gives everyone a chance before forming an opinion, thinks before judging something. He lives tolerance. Perhaps he sometimes consciously forces himself to do so.” She added: “I find that significant, because tolerance is a scarce commodity these days.”

Matthes: Sylt is just the tip of a racism iceberg

In view of the scandal over racist shouting at a party on the island of Sylt, Matthes said: “The events on Sylt are just the tip of the iceberg of racism.” He is worried about democracy. The actor named the AfD, the increasing mistrust of many people towards institutions and experts, and the willingness of many people to resort to violence, “verbally online, but as we are now seeing, increasingly physically too.”

Matthes expressed concern about “damned racism” and “damned anti-Semitism” in the country. “It was always there from the far right, from the Muslim side, and increasingly from the left,” the actor criticized. He regularly passes a small synagogue that is now guarded by five police officers and two private security guards. “Today in Germany it takes seven people to protect people like you and me from visiting a place of worship. That is sheer madness. That can’t be true,” Matthes shouted.

Merkel: Enthusiasm for the actor, sympathy for the person

The former chancellor and Matthes have been friends for a long time. The 69-year-old has hardly appeared in public recently. Merkel, who appeared in her typical chancellor style of red blazer and black trousers, praised Matthes as a charismatic actor who captivates the audience with his style of acting. His readings from Kafka’s works “gave her access to the writer Kafka in the first place”. The joy she felt during the laudation for Matthes resulted “from my enthusiasm for the actor Ulrich Matthes and my sympathy for the person,” she added.

Her attempt to honor the actor Matthes must remain “an amateurish approach,” said Merkel. However, a connection to her “former political life” arises “from the fact that terms from the world of theater were often used there too,” added the physicist with a wink. “What a spectacle they are putting on again” was often the headline in newspapers “when it came to the image of the federal government led by me.” “Don’t make such a fuss,” she occasionally shouted to someone, “and I thought it even more often” – “terms from the world of theater to describe inappropriate behavior in the political arena.”

Matthes to Merkel: All qualities that I like about you

With regard to Merkel, Matthes said it was “somehow crazy that you would give a eulogy to me here.” And he thanked Merkel for the way she did it: “It was equally scientific, it was empathetic, it was warm-hearted. It was precise, it was funny. All qualities that you have, that I know about you and that I like about you.”


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