Pedestrianization of the streets and extension of the terraces will be in place for May 19

The terrace of a restaurant in Nice. – SYSPEO

  • With the second stage of deconfinement on May 19, the terraces of cafes, bars and restaurants will be able to open under certain conditions.
  • The city of Nice has presented several measures to support its traders in the gradual recovery of their economic activity.

The countdown begins. In one week, the terraces of cafes, bars and restaurants will be able to reopen at 50% of their capacity, with tables of six maximum. In view of this long-awaited event, the city of Nice presented this Wednesday some measures put in place to allow traders to “revive their economic activity as best as possible”.

Extension of terraces

“For all professionals, it is possible to make a request to occupy the public domain, depending on the configuration of the space, or an extension request, if there is already a terrace”, indicates the town hall. This extension will be authorized until the end of the summer season. In Nice, 970 terraces have already been identified and as of April 30, 94 extension requests had been made. “We will be uncompromising with those who do not respect the rules,” said Christian Estrosi. This exceptional authorization may be withdrawn if the sanitary measures are not respected.

The mayor of Nice also indicated that an “exemption from the terrace fee” will be effective until June 30. For establishments that do not have a terrace, he is currently studying a way to “compensate for this feeling of injustice compared to those who have a better geographical location”.

Pedestrianization of streets

The town hall will set up “the pedestrianization of certain streets, from Friday to Sunday evening to have the opportunity to have an activity outside until the end of the summer season”. For the moment, those concerned are those which made the request, that is to say, the streets Chauvin, Delille, Bavastro, Alberti and Lascaris. “Other requests could be studied to make it possible to animate the district”, affirmed the elected official.

With this in mind, a project is underway to create new consumption ranges, “for example, night-time two evenings a week”. “To test this initiative, Old Nice, Bonaparte and the pedestrian area are the most suitable districts”, announced Christian Estrosi.

Possible self-tests, renovation of facades

To support traders in their economic recovery, the city also offers a support system for renovating storefronts with community participation “up to 50% of the financial commitment with a ceiling of 5,000 euros for a total value of 300,000. euros ”.

It is also possible, for professionals who so wish, to be provided with self-tests by the municipality.

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