Paus blocks Lindner’s growth opportunities law – politics

According to insiders, the tax breaks planned by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) for companies will not be launched by the federal government on Wednesday. So far, no agreement has been reached in the cabinet on the so-called Growth Opportunities Act, several media report unanimously. Therefore, contrary to the plan, the legislative proposal is not on the cabinet’s agenda. This was justified, among other things, by the fact that Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) linked the project with demands for basic child security.

According to various government officials, an agreement had been reached late into the night and on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday evening, the coalition said: “The formation of an opinion within the Greens on the Growth Opportunities Act is not yet complete.”

In their dispute, the federal government is now relying on the cabinet retreat in Meseberg. There the cabinet will deal with his ministry’s draft law, Lindner told the German Press Agency on Wednesday. “It is regrettable that a cabinet decision was not possible today, despite the agreement with the Federal Ministry of Economics,” emphasized Lindner. “Everyone should know that all social spending needs a strong economic foundation. Families with children also need good jobs.”

The federal government is arguing about the draft law with almost 50 tax policy measures that are intended to relieve the economy by around 6.5 billion euros a year. The core element of the Growth Opportunities Act is a bonus for investments in climate protection. “Germany needs growth again,” stressed Lindner. The structural conditions for the German economy must be improved and investments made more attractive.

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