Paul Koulak, composer of the credits of “Fort Boyard”, is dead

His name doesn’t ring a bell, but his music is known the world over! Paul Koulak, the composer of the credits of Fort Boyard, died at 78 years old this Monday in Paris following a long illness, reports the newspaper Progress.

Born in March 1943 in Saint-Chamond in the Loire, Paul Koulak, whose real name is Paul Koulaksezian, studied music at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris.

The musician also signed the credits of the cartoons Treasure Island, Clementine or Tom-Tom and Nana. He also composed the music for Without you, performed in 1973 by Martine Clémenceau, at Eurovision Song Contest. His music is known around the world since the credits are the same for all versions of the game.

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