Parties: FDP member survey about staying in the traffic lights ends

FDP member survey about staying in the traffic lights ends

The FDP member survey started in the middle of the month. photo

© picture alliance / Armin Weigel/dpa

How do FDP members feel about the traffic light coalition? A survey will continue until midday. The result is not binding, but is still eagerly awaited.

A survey of the FDP members about further participation in the traffic light coalition with the SPD and the Greens ends this Monday at noon. Committees and members should then be informed about the outcome. It was initially unclear how long the count would take and when the results of the survey would be published. The party or parliamentary group does not have to follow the vote. The FDP statutes state: “The party’s organs are not bound in their decision-making to the results of the member survey.” The result is still eagerly awaited.

The member survey started in mid-December and followed an open letter from 26 state and local politicians from the FDP who, after the poor election results in Hesse and Bavaria, had demanded that the FDP should reconsider its coalition partners. In Bavaria, the FDP missed entry into the state parliament in October. In Hesse she managed just over the five percent hurdle.

In the 2021 federal election, the Liberals under party leader Christian Lindner achieved 11.5 percent. The FDP has not been doing well in nationwide surveys for a long time. In recent surveys she has reached around 5 percent – so it is unclear whether she would even get into the Bundestag if there were elections now.

Kubicki doesn’t want to leave the traffic lights

FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki advised in November not to vote for an exit from the federal government. At the time, he told the “Münchner Merkur” that he believes in the common sense of the overwhelming majority of his party friends “not to vote for an escape from responsibility.” He warned of a very difficult election campaign for the FDP in the event of an exit and said: “We will not win an election campaign with the slogan: We have failed.”

One of the initiators of the FDP member survey, Matthias Nölke, accused the party leadership of a lack of transparency a few days ago. “The FDP leadership is largely silent towards us initiators,” he told the “Tagesspiegel”. The federal managing director left his written questions about the member survey largely unanswered. For example, one does not know when and how the counting will take place and how the results should be announced. The party headquarters acts “with little transparency and little sovereignty,” said the Kassel FDP district chairman.


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