Paris City Hall creates a service to fight against the spread of false information

The obscene toboggan installed in a school… The license withdrawn from Anne Hidalgo… In recent weeks, a lot of fake news concerning the City of Paris or its elected officials have been circulating on the web.

Irritated by this false information, the Town Hall announced through the voice of Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy, Emmanuel Grégoire, that it will set up a watch and vigilance service in the days to come.

“We can only get hold of it”

“When we see the number of messages and insults we receive because of that, we can only grasp it,” explains Emmanuel Grégoire. If he recognizes that some information is posted in the form of jokes, like that of the toboggan, the abundance of tweets, retweets and articles provoked obliges the municipality to react according to him.

“It is normal that there are debates and oppositions in a democracy, but here we are talking about willful disinformation, excessive manipulation. We do not accept it, ”added the first deputy. Worse, he criticizes the authors for “cynicism of passing it off as humor” knowing “that the machine” of social networks will do the job.

“We know very well that the only objective of these lies is that there is something left,” he pleaded, specifying that the context is not trivial, with the launch of the presidential campaign for Anne Hidalgo.

The Town Hall could file a complaint

Thus, the City of Paris has decided to set up a service, which will not involve “additional financial resources”, in order to respond systematically to false information that it finds by distinguishing between what concerns the mission. of the Town Hall, to which the administration will respond, which will be more of the order of political interpellation, in which case, the elected officials concerned will decide for themselves whether they want to follow up.

However, he added that the City of Paris will no longer hesitate to prosecute the authors of fake news.

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