Parents: What to do if I imagined being a parent differently?

Stefanie Stahl is a bestselling author and psychotherapist, Lukas Klaschinski is a podcast star and psychologist – together they write a column every two weeks on topics related to love, family and partnership. This issue is about the balancing act parents have to walk between their child’s needs and their own.

By Stefanie Stahl and Lukas Klaschinski

Luke Klaschinski: We talk a lot about the influence that parents’ behavior has on their children’s imprints – but it’s rarely about how having children actually affects the parents. Even if there is still a societal expectation that children always come first for their parents and that they have to put their own needs aside for the children – and they are happy to do so – the reality is probably a little different: according to surveys, it would be namely every fifth parent no longer decides to have children! So the phenomenon is no exception.

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